Shows how to process files stored in the virtual disk of Axional Studio (disktool) using the XSQL-Script
file commands.
1 Access to disktool
<xsql-script name='digest-disktool'> <body> <!-- Function example to the process of the line of a file --> <function name='local_digest'> <args> <arg name='p_file' /> </args> <body> <!-- Generates a line reader on the file --> <set name='m_reader'> <string.lineReader> <p_file /> </string.lineReader> </set> <!-- For each line of the file, print the number of line and its content --> <while> <expr> <isnotnull> <set name='p_line'> <string.lineReader.readLine><m_reader/></string.lineReader.readLine> </set> </isnotnull> </expr> <do> <println><string.lineReader.getLineNumber><m_reader/></string.lineReader.getLineNumber>:<p_line/></println> </do> </while> </body> </function> <!-- Get an array with the file names of the disk of the folder called 'test 1' --> <set name='m_list'> <file.listFiles><file name='/test 1' type='disktool' /></file.listFiles> </set> <!-- For each file of the root directory, shows its properties --> <iterator name='m_file'> <in> <m_list /> </in> <do> <if> <expr> <not><file.isDirectory><m_file/></file.isDirectory></not> </expr> <then> <println>Processing file <file.getName><m_file/></file.getName></println> <local_digest> <m_file /> </local_digest> </then> </if> </do> </iterator> </body> </xsql-script>